No. 77-2, Jalan Radin Bagus, Bandar Baru Seri Petaling.


Tooth extraction

Tooth Extraction

An extraction is the removal of a tooth from the mouth. Most extractions do not cause much discomfort as the tooth is numbed with a topical/and or injectable anaesthetic. It’s our hope you’ll have your natural teeth for as long as you live. But if you must have one removed, you can rest assured it’s a common and uneventful experience.

Indications for removal are:

  • Gum disease involved, loose tooth
  • Non restorable tooth that have nerve involvement
  • There is not enough room for all the teeth in your mouth
  • For braces, when having orthodontic treatment carried out
  • Trauma to the tooth
  • Infected wisdom teeth, wisdom teeth are third molars and often start erupting around 18 years of age or later. These teeth are often difficult to clean and easily decay or become infected.

Types of Tooth Extraction

Simple Extraction

Simple tooth extraction is on a tooth that can be seen in the mouth.The process itself is fairly straightforward,the dentist loosens the tooth with an instrument called an elevator and subsequently uses forceps to remove the tooth.

Surgical Extraction

This is a more complex procedure of a tooth extraction. Although many of your teeth are easily removable, it's occasionally more complicated if a tooth may have broken off at the gum line or has not erupted in the mouth. Our doctor will place a small cut into your gum to surgically remove the broken tooth or impacted wisdom tooth.

Tips for Pain Management and Speedy Recovery After TOOTH REMOVAL

painless tooth extraction
  • Rest. Refrain from strenuous physical activities.
  • Put ice packs on your face to reduce swelling.
  • Eat soft and cool foods for a few days.
  • Take the painkiller before the anaesthetics wears off then every 6 hours after in the first 24 hours after the extraction if necessary.
  • Do not rinse or gargle vigorously as this may dislodge the blood clot in the socket where the tooth has been removed and might lead to continued bleeding as well as delayed healing.
  • Do warm salt water rinses several times daily,starting a day after your extraction (and for a few days after), especially after This will help flush out any food debris caught in the extraction site and promote healing.
  • Do not smoke for at least 24 -36 hours.
  • Do not aggravate the area buy putting your finger, tongue or other foreign body in the area where the tooth has been removed
  • If bleeding does not stop, bite firmly on gauze for 15-20 minutes
  • If you have any complications, continued bleeding or feel any pain or discomfort, contact our dentist as soon as possible.

Your Health is Important!

Maintaining healthy teeth all starts with a healthy lifestyle. What we eat and what we do throughout the day is just as important as daily brushing.

Make an appointment with us now!